
每个人都有办法 2024-12-21 17:01:17
Where the lessee fails to pay or delays in paying the rent without any reason, the lessor may request the lessee to pay the rent within a reasonable time limit; and if the lessee fails to pay the rent at the end of such time limit, the lessor may rescind the contract. 承租人无正当理由未支付或者迟延支付租金的,出租人可以请求承租人在合理期限内支付;承租人逾期不支付的,出租人可以解除合同。 If due to any claim by a third party, the lessee is unable to use or accrue benefit from the leased property, the lessee may require reduction in rent or refuse to pay rent. 因第三人主张权利,致使承租人不能对租赁物使用、收益的,承租人可以请求減少租金或者不支付租金。 In case of any claim by a third party, the lessee shall notify the lessor in a timely manner. 第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。

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