#中秋习俗知多少# Here are some Mid-Autumn Festival customs : 1. **Moon Viewing (赏月, Shǎng Yuè)** - English: Families and friends gather to admire the full moon, which is at its roundest and brightest during the Mid-Autumn Festival. - Chinese: 家人和朋友聚在一起赏月,中秋节的月亮最圆最亮。 2. **Eating Mooncakes (吃月饼, Chī Yuèbǐng)** - English: Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese pastry consumed during the festival, symbolizing reunion and happiness. - Chinese: 月饼是中秋节期间食用的传统糕点,象征着团圆和幸福。 3. **Lantern Displays and Lantern Parades (挂灯笼, Guà Dēnglóng)** - English: People hang lanterns of various shapes and colors in their homes, and in some places, there are lantern parades where children carry their own decorated lanterns. - Chinese: 人们在家里挂上各种形状和颜色的灯笼,有些地方还会举行孩子们提着自己装饰的灯笼的灯会。 4. **Dragon and Lion Dances (舞龙舞狮, Wǔ Lóng Wǔ Shī)** - English: Dragon and lion dances are often performed to bring good luck and fortune during the festival. - Chinese: 节日里会表演舞龙舞狮,以带来好运和财富。 5. **Stargazing and Legends (观星和传说, Guān Xīng Hé Chuánshuō)** - English: People stargaze and share stories about the Moon, including legends such as the tale of the Moon Goddess Chang'e. - Chinese: 人们观星并分享关于月亮的故事,包括嫦娥奔月等传说。 6. **Family Reunions (家庭团聚, Jiātí Juántuán)** - English: The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions, with people traveling long distances to be with their loved ones. - Chinese: 中秋节是家庭团聚的时刻,人们会远道而来与亲人团聚。 7. **Offerings to the Moon (祭月, Jì Yuè)** - English: In some regions, people make offerings to the Moon, which can include fruits, mooncakes, and other delicacies. - Chinese: 在一些地区,人们会向月亮献上供品,包括水果、月饼等美食。
#中秋习俗知多少# HerearesomeMid-AutumnFesti
2024-09-17 03:40:56