高热高糖食物 (High-calorie, high-sugar food)
大杯可乐(免费续杯) (Large cup cola / free refills)
高糖碳酸饮料 (High-sugar carbonated drinks)
果汁 (Juice)
早餐麦片 (Breakfast cereal)
止痛药(普通) (Painkillers e.g., Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil)
强力止痛片(Opioid / Opioid painkillers)
新型减肥药(Ozempic / Weight-loss drug)
多动症药物 (ADHD medication)
抗抑郁药物 (Antidepressants)
芬太尼(Fentanyl) (Fentanyl)
解毒过量药物 (Overdose reversal drug e.g., Narcan)
说唱(无脑娱乐) (Rap music / mindless entertainment)
消费贷 (Consumer loans)
学生贷 (Student loans)
虚假赞美 (False praise e.g., “You’re the best!”)
民主自由幻觉 (Illusions of democracy and freedom)
枪支 (Firearms)