*对手大力抽球,队友笑: 吃了牛肉,劲大! 他找句:不是吃了牛肉,是吃了屎滴!

妮儿生活 2024-12-17 23:04:26

*对手大力抽球,队友笑: 吃了牛肉,劲大! 他找句:不是吃了牛肉,是吃了屎滴! [黑脸] 常听人说,没文化真可怕。 可文化到底是什么? 学历?经历?还是阅历? 其实都不是,今天看到一个很靠谱的解释,说“文化”可以用四句话来表达: 1. 植根于内心的修养; 2. 无需提醒的自觉; 3. 以约束为前提的自由; 4. 为他人着想的善良! We often hear people say that it is really terrible to be illiterate. But what on earth is culture? Is it educational background? Experience? Or life experience? In fact, it is none of them. Today I saw a very reliable explanation, which said that culture can be expressed in four sentences: "1. Self - cultivation rooted in the heart; 2. Consciousness without reminder; 3. Freedom on the premise of restraint; 4. Kindness that thinks of others!" 学习 聊天把天聊死了 脸皮厚 ​

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