
英语单词句子笔记 2024-09-08 14:43:08
⚽️国足被日本按在地上摩擦,社交媒体上有个蛮有意思的标题: 「不是每一支球队,都叫特能输」 🤷‍♀️这只“特能输”的国足,在历史性0:7输给日本后,引起很多外媒关注,其中不乏大做文章的内容,也能理解,毕竟我们自己人都看呆了。 除了defeat、win之外,外媒还用了哪些词形容这场比赛呢? ✨thrash 轻松/大比分击败 If one player or team thrashes another in a game or contest, they defeat them easily or by a large score. ✨lopsided loss 惨败/大比分/一边倒的失败 It was China's most lopsided loss against Japan. 这是中国队对日本队输得最惨的一次。 ✨rout 一举击败/打垮 If an army, sports team, or other group routs its opponents, it defeats them completely and easily. The Japanese football team routed their rivals, scoring five goals in the first half. 日本队在上半场就进了5个球,彻底击败了对手。 ✨comfortable 易取胜的/轻松领先的 a comfortable two-goal lead 轻松领先两球 a comfortable win 轻松获胜 ✨overwhelming victory 压倒性胜利/绝对优势取胜 ✨emphatic win 压倒性胜利/绝对优势取胜 但这并不是国足输球最多的。 2012年在对阵巴西的友谊赛中,国足0:8大比分失利。 可能未来还有惊喜吧。🤷🤷

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