
火斯探球 2024-04-03 07:06:39

北京时间4月1日,独行侠客场以125-107大胜火箭,豪取7连胜的同时终结对手10连胜。此役,东契奇30投18中(三分16中9),罚球5中2,狂砍47分12篮板7助攻。欧文全场19投9中(三分9中4),罚球2中2,得到24分3篮板7助攻,第四节,欧文独得15分4助攻。本场过后,自全明星以来,东契奇上半场已得到353分(上半场场均19.6分),高居联盟第一(2、塔图姆280分 3、杰伦-布朗255分 4、约基奇254分 5、亚历山大和康宁汉姆243分);欧文下半场已得到283分(下半场场均14.9分),全联盟第一(2、德罗赞269分 2、杰伦-格林269分 4、爱德华兹268分 5、杜兰特266分)。多家媒体晒出东欧组合一人上半场得分领跑联盟,一人下半场得分领跑联盟的新闻,引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

I’m honestly really pullin’ for this team. I’d be excited if they went the whole way and won it. I also love Denver and Milwaukee and would be happy for them too.


Hope they can win it all, i'll be puttin my money for mavs all the way to


Best backcourt ever. They may not have won as much as Thomas and Dumars, but I think they are better. I think we are seeing the best backcourt in history. Talent and skill off the charts.

Luka and Kyrie would both do well in any era because their games are not based on pure athleticism, repetition and nutrition. They're both different. Luka's offensive brain and Kyrie's ability to pull pretty much anything out of a hat around the basket just have me shaking my head in wonder at times.


Please stay healthy both of you because that’s been the only problem with both of them in the playoffs. Kyrie got hurt in Brooklyn and Luka gets hurt and missed a couple of playoff games his last two years. Stay healthy and they can beat anybody


Top 3 duo and the team with the best chance of beating Denver in the west


Give Luka the MVP 34ppg 9.1rpg 9.8apg and 1.5spg

5th seed (45-29) Top seed has 52 wins.

7 straight wins


Those two are a defensive liability but what they do on the offensive end makes up for it.


If Warriors didn't go far in the playoffs, i will root for Mavs to win the championship.


The Kyrie haters seem to be awfully quiet for quite some time now. Please check on them if they're alright.


They have been ballin I hope that carries over to the playoffs


1st half Luka : I'm exhausted

2nd half Kyrie : take a rest brother. I'll finish what you've started

上半场 东契奇:我累坏了下半场 欧文:休息一下吧,兄弟,我会完成你所开始的。

Luka 1st half all about scoring 2nd half facilitating... thats why he got triple double almost every game


Can someone explain to me how Giannis isnt MVP?

谁能给我解释一下字母哥为什么不是 MVP?

Ramadan Kyrie


For some reason I feel like they gone get put out 2nd round play offs


Mr. 4th quarter


Finally Kyrie doesn't need to carry a team anymore to win championship. Not like in Cavs 2016 where he singlehandedly given them the championship.

欧文终于不用再扛着球队夺冠了,不像在 2016 年的骑士队,他一手将总冠军收入囊中。

Still not gonna win ring together


Not better than maxey and embiid


Honestly, the are the BEST offensive duo. But overall Jokic and Murray still probably have the best case




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