
迈莎锐说车啊 2024-06-26 18:14:33

MANSORY expands its product line Gronos with a limited manufactury edition of 10 units called the MANSORY Gronos 4x4.

MANSORY迈莎锐为扩大Gronos的产品线,发布了基于奔驰G63 4x4 升级的 Gronos 4x4 限量版,全球限量10台。

The MANSORY Gronos 4x4 comes with a power increase up to 850hp and 1.000Nm rolling on the new rims FD.15 in size 9.5x22" with special off-road tires in the dimension 325/55R22; a fully leather interior with a roof start/stop button; rear single seat system with an individualized rear center console.

MANSORY迈莎锐Gronos 4x4 的最大马力提升至850匹,峰值扭矩1.000Nm,轮毂采用了22寸的FD.15锻造轮毂,并匹配 325/55R22 的特殊越野轮胎,内饰采用全真皮包覆将启动按键移动至车顶,后排座椅经过个性定制,升级为两个独立航空座椅。

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