
国礼收藏时代名家 2024-06-04 20:48:24


王国政,祖籍云南,1949年2月生于重庆,现为:中国民族文艺家联合会名誉主席、中央美术学院客座教授,中国书画非遗传承人,中国人民艺术家,中国文化艺术产业研究基地专家组成员,中俄文化交流形象大使,中国诗 书画联谊会常务副主席、中国名家书画院名誉院长,中国画家协会理事,中国国画家协会理事,世界非物质文化遗产研究院特聘副院长, 重庆中山书画社顾问,CCTV华夏之声特聘艺术顾问,CCTV文脉传承特聘讲席教授,2023大国名家•传奇人物王国政,官方重点推荐艺术名家。

王国政先生幼承家学,早年师从著名国画家阎松父先生,书法,山水、花鸟、动物、人物皆涉笔成趣,以书法入画,俊爽清雅,酣畅淋漓,意韵悠长,精写意老虎,笔下之虎常呼啸而至,或带风环顾四野, 或踞石遥视宇宙,画坛内外,争相亲睐,师长朋辈,上世纪七十年代遂赠“王老虎”之雅号,国政书画令大方之家概叹不已,以为国政若不假老虎之势少年成名,必获“王山水,王花鸟”之美誉。国内外纪念馆,展览馆,政府要人及文人雅士收藏其作品甚多,其艺术成就与画风被国内外多家媒体 评价推崇。其业绩被收入《跨世纪著名书画家精典》、《新版传世名画》,《画坛里程碑》,《世界华人艺术名人录》等专著。画坛耆宿晏济元先生 98 岁时评王国政画,“出新意于法度之中,寄妙理于天趣之外”。学界知己蒲健夫先生赞曰 :“余常观国政作山水图,从破白至结笔,勾勒点染,虚皴泼墨,一气呵成,悉主于心,不为时俗拘,亦不为陈法囿,而思接混茫,真趣自出”。美术评论家 林木先生赞曰:国政全方位的绘画才能除给人以深刻印象外,其底蕴乃是深知国画所以为国画的奥妙所在者也。

1986年参加重庆市美协主办中青年国画4人联展。1991年重庆市美协,在重庆为其举办“王国政国画展”。1998年由新香港画报社出版《王国政中国画》内收山水、花鸟、人物、老虎68幅。2000年出版《水墨写意老虎百虎长卷》111只老虎虎虎生风。2004年徐州市文化局、文联、在徐 州李可染纪念馆为其举办,“王国政书画展”山水,花鸟,动物、人物、书法俱与出手。2010年由北京荣宝斋出版社出版发行《王国政书画精品集》。2010年由中国邮政局集邮总公司出版发行《中 国当代书画名家王国政作品选》(上海世博会邮票珍藏版)——16枚写意老虎小版张。2011年由中国邮政局,中国集邮总公司出版《纪念建党九十周年》,辛亥革命 100周年中国个性化邮票珍 藏——16枚山水花鸟小版张。2011年11月受意大利圣安娜大学校长邀请讲学,弘扬传播中国书画艺术。受到意大利国家电视台采访播出。2012年由北京荣宝斋出版发行大12开中国当代书 画名家精品系列《王国政国画作品集》,内收山水、花鸟、动物、人物作品74幅。2012年由国 家邮政局中国集邮总公司个性化服务中心出版发行《庆祝十八大胜利召开邮票珍藏册王国政国画 作品选》山水、写意老虎、花鸟各一套。

2016年人民美术出版社出版发行大12开《王国政书画 作品集》(人物、山水、花鸟、动物、书法)共计81幅。2017年中国文联出版社出版发行 16开《高等中国美术院校教学范本》画册内收山水、花鸟、动物作品16幅。2018年中国文联出版 社出版发行8开《王国政书画高等院校范本精选》画册内收山水、花鸟、动物,人物作品20幅。2019年中国文联出版社出版发行8开《高等院校雅墨清赏 • 国画卷》画册内收山水、花鸟、动物、 人物作品20幅。2020 年由上海人民美术出版社发行,《中国画坛名家典范》国画卷,中国书画— 国画技法—高等学校—教材—王国政国画作品 20 幅。2023年8月两幅作品被国家博物馆纳入永久收藏。

Wang Guozheng, originally from Yunnan, was born in Chongqing in February 1949. He is now honorary chairman of the China Federation of Ethnic Writers and artists, visiting professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, non-inheritor of Chinese painting and calligraphy, and artist of the Chinese people, member of the Expert Group of China Cultural and arts industry research base, Ambassador of china-russia Cultural Exchange, executive vice-chairman of the Chinese poetry and Painting Association, Honorary President of the Chinese masters painting and Calligraphy Academy, and director of the Chinese Painters Association, director of the Chinese Artists Association, Director of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Institute, Consultant to the Chongqing Zhongshan Painting and Calligraphy Society, art consultant to CCTV China Voice, and professor of CCTV cultural heritage, 2023 big country celebrity • Legendary figure Wang Guozheng, the official focus of the artists recommended.

Wang Guozheng studied under the tutelage of Yan Songfu, a well-known Chinese painter. His calligraphy, including landscapes, flowers, birds, animals and figures, is a beautiful and elegant painting with a long charm, in the 1970s, the famous“Tiger Wang” was given the title of“Tiger Wang” because of the popularity of the“Tiger Wang”, national politics calligraphy and painting make generous family sigh, think that if the national politics is not false tiger situation young fame, will be“Wang landscape, Wang flowers and birds,” the reputation. His works have been collected in national and international museums, exhibitions, government dignitaries and literati, and his artistic achievements and painting style have been praised by many domestic and foreign media. Its achievements have been included in the“Trans-centuryic of famous painters and calligraphers”, “New version of famous paintings”, “Painting milestone”, “World Chinese art list” and other monographs. Yan Jiyuan, a senior painter, commented on Wang Guozheng's painting at the age of 98, “Innovation lies in the law, and wisdom lies beyond the interest of heaven”. Mr. Pu Jianfu, a confidant of the academic circle, praised Yu Changguan's work, saying, “Yu Changguan made landscapes and landscapes from the beginning to the end. He sketched them out, and painted them with a touch of ink and ink. He understood the master in a single stroke, not because of the time and custom, nor because of Chen Fa-liu. Mr. Lin Mu art critic, “The art of painting in all aspects of Chinese politics is not only impressive, but also the essence of the mystery of Chinese painting.”.

In 1986, he participated in the 4-PERSON Joint Exhibition of Chinese painting sponsored by Chongqing Art Association. In 1991, Chongqing art association held"Wang Guozheng Chinese painting exhibition" in Chongqing. In 1998 by the new picture press published"Wang Guozheng Chinese painting," including landscape, flowers and birds, figures, Tigers 68. Published in 2000, "Ink freehand Tiger Hundred Tigers volume" 111 Tigers Tiger Wind. In 2004, the Xuzhou Cultural Bureau, the Federation of Literature and art, in Xu, Zhou Li Keran memorial museum held for it, "Wang Guozheng calligraphy and painting exhibition" landscape, flowers and birds, animals, figures, calligraphy and hand. In 2010, Beijing Rongbaozai publishing house published"Wang Guozheng calligraphy and painting collection". In 2010, China Post General philatelic company published and published"Selected works of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy master Wang Guozheng"(Shanghai World Expo Stamp Collection Edition-RRB--16 small plates of tiger freehand brushwork. In 2011, China Post and China Philatelic Corporation published"Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party", the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, China's personalized collection of stamps-16 landscape flowers and birds small version. In November 2011, he was invited to give a lecture by the president of the University of Santa Ana, Italy, to promote the spread of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Interviewed and broadcast by Italian state television. In 2012, Beijing Rongbaozai published and issued a large 12 open Chinese contemporary books, painting master series"Wang Guozheng Chinese painting works", including landscape, flowers and birds, animals, figures 74 works. In 2012, home Post Office China Philatelic General Corporation personalized service center published the"Celebration of the 18th National Congress held a stamp collection of political Chinese painting, works selected" landscape, freehand tiger, flowers and birds a set.

In 2016, People's Fine Arts publishing house published a total of 81 works (figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, animals, calligraphy) . In 2017, the China Federation of Literary and Cultural Affairs publishing house published 16“Higher Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Teaching Model” album including landscape, flowers and birds, animals 16 works. In 2018, the China Federation of Literature and art published and distributed 8 open“Wang Guozheng calligraphy and painting model selected from colleges and universities,” including landscapes, flowers, birds, animals, 20 character works. In 2019, the China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House published and released 8 open“Higher Education Yameqing enjoy Chinese painting volume” album including landscape, flowers and birds, animals, figures 20 works. Published in 2020 by Shanghai People's fine arts publishing house, “Chinese Painting Masters Model” Chinese Painting Scroll, Chinese painting-chinese painting techniques-universities-teaching materials-wang Guozheng Chinese painting works 20. The 2023 were added to the National Museum's permanent collection in August.

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